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GPPA Eligibility and criteria

Criteria for the Good Pig Production Award for Chinese producers


  1. Scope of Award winners
    The candidates need to be large scale pig producers, or agricultural / husbandry companies or co-operations that have pig production as their main business (breeding units and commercial pig meat units will be considered). Pig producers that have a GAP standard (of People’s Republic of China) certificate will be considered first.
  2. Qualification
    The following farm standards must apply:
    • The farm must have more than 300 sows.
    • The waste and water treatment must reach environmental standards.
    • The business must be legitimate; no illegal records are permitted.
    • The producer must be a member of ICCAW.
  3. Basic entry requirements for pig producers
    Producers must meet 5 basic requirements in order to enter for the award:
    • Provide a good environment for the pigs: this includes a reasonable stocking density, comfortable temperature, dry floor in the pen, good air quality, clean drinking water supply, and safe feed.
    • No sow stalls (except in the period between weaning and observation after insemination – maximum 30 days after insemination). Outside this exception period, sows should be kept in small groups (where manual feeding is permitted) or large groups with an appropriate automatic feeding system; sow stalls are not permitted in this period.
    • If castration is conducted it should be carried out within 7 days after birth (ideally with analgesic*). If the castration is carried out after 7 days, analgesic must be provided. The best practice is to avoid surgical castration.
      * recommended analgesia programme below
    • No high copper, zinc added to the pig's daily ration. It is prohibited to add additional arsenic preparation to the feed. If additives containing antibiotics being used, regulated withdrawal time must be followed.
    • No hormone, antibiotics, high metal, or mycotoxin residues detected from the pork. (A third-party examining report should be provided)

    *Recommended analgesia programme:

    • Pain relief can be achieved through a combination of analgesic (eg the NSAID Meloxicam) and an injectable local anaesthetic to the area of incision eg lidocaine/lignocaine, or a proprietary such as Trisolfen (40.6g/L Lignocaine (as hydrochloride); 4.2g/L Bupivacaine (as hydrochloride); 24.8 mg/L Adrenaline (as tartrate) and 5.0 g/L Cetrimide as its only active constituents.*)
    • Analgesic should be applied at least 20 minutes before the operation (or more if required by the instructions), anaesthetic as instructed.
    • It is best practice for injections of the analgesic (eg Meloxicam) to be repeated daily for three days after the operation.
    • Dosages should be agreed with a veterinarian.
  4. Additional commitments for welfare improvements
    Producers must commit to achieving one or more of the following requirements if they are to be considered for an award:
    Please note multi-storey systems are NOT permitted
    • No tail-docking practised. Producers must also operate a practical monitoring program and treatment measures to record and alleviate any occasional tail-biting problems.
    • No teeth-clipping or grinding practised. Producers must also operate a practical monitoring program and treatment measures to record and alleviate any occasional udder damage and facial injury to piglets.
    • No sow stalls or farrowing crates used throughout life.
    • Appropriate manipulable material and comfortable flooring, preferably with bedding throughout life. Manipulable material must be complex, destructible and edible, and stimulate activity to be considered acceptable. Fully slatted floors without bedding or mats are unacceptable.

      Compassion in World Farming produces advice and information sheets and booklets on how to address the above commitments. Please see for more information.

  5. The award selection process
    • The review process consists of two rounds. The judging panel will decide which producers are eligible to pass to the verification stage (second round) according to the documents provided by the producers.
    • The verification and selection of winners will be based on scores, attributed by the judging panel during an on-site inspection, and relating to the basic requirements.
    • The basic requirements will be used to evaluate the farm’s current welfare conditions. Making a commitment means the producer has the intention to meet one or more of the additional requirements in 5 years and the panel will discuss with the producer, how he / she is going to meet the commitment. The panel will assess if the producer is likely to meet the commitment and will agree the number of commitments the producer can realistically make - due to the complexity of the issues addressed, we are unlikely to award more than two additional commitments per winner.
    • Good Pig Production Awards will be set at 5 levels according to the basic requirements and the number of commitments made.
      • Producers meeting the basic requirements will receive a 1-star Good Pig Production Award; ideally producers will also commit to at least one other criterion, or will engage with us further on how to improve their production system in the future in order to be awarded
      • Producers meeting the basic requirements and achieving or committing to one additional criterion will receive a 2-star award
      • Producers meeting the basic requirements and achieving or committing to two additional criteria will receive a 3-star award
      • Producers meeting the basic requirements and achieving or committing to three additional criteria will receive a 4-star award
      • Producers meeting the basic requirements and achieving or committing to four additional criteria will receive a 5-star award
    • The award winner will be deprived of the award if he or she fails to honour the commitment(s) made within the 5 year timeframe. This will be publicised on both organisations’ websites.
    • The awards will be selected each year and will be valid for 5 years.
    • Registration and the first round review will be free of charge. Producers entered into the second round of verification will be charged a fee to cover the cost incurred by the expert during verification (travel, accommodation, expert audit fee).
    • CIWF and ICCAW will remain in contact with award winners over the commitment period, to assess the progress of their commitments, before final verification of their completion.
    • Entrants and winners of the Good Pig Production Award may be invited to join future events on pig welfare and production jointly carried out by ICCAW and CIWF.
    • The final decision on the award and the level attained resides with Compassion in World Farming.

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If you have any further questions regarding this, or any other matter, please get in touch with us at We aim to respond to all queries within two working days. However, due to the high volume of correspondence that we receive, it may occasionally take a little longer. Please do bear with us if this is the case. Alternatively, if your query is urgent, you can contact our Supporter Engagement Team on +44 (0)1483 521 953 (lines open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm).